Continuous research and development

Constantly working towards maximum performance.

The design of compact and cost effective products with maximum possible performace, keeps our technical staff constantly engaged in Research and Development activities.

Calculation of power losses in inductive components

The calculation of power losses in magnetic components for high frequency is more complex than people generally think and requires the knowledge of a vast bibliography.

However, this is not enough; experience shows that there are some cases where additional losses arise which are not addressed by the current bibliography.

Itacoil invested tens of thousands of hours in Research and Development activities and in the implementation of effective tools.

The available tools

Many cheap or free tools available on the web provide a quick estimation of losses, but the errors they introduce are misleading for the purpose of optimization.

There are also many commercial tools with different accuracy levels, up to the Finite Elements Analysis (FEA).

Nevertheless, these tools require a great ouflow of resources for every new product, which can only be justified by the production of extremely large quantities.

Proprietary CAE

To allow a deep and accurate optimization of our products at a reasonable cost, we are constantly engaged in the development of proprietary software for power applications of the most popular topologies, based on the results of our Research and Development activities.

The considerable R&D investments have led us to define over the years algorithms for optimal design and automation of a good part of the operations.

We also internally developed a dedicated SPICE simulation engine which is significantly faster than commercial simulators.
It is perfectly integrated into the environment, which knows all the constraints and all the parametric / dimensional characteristics of each component, including the relevant features of ferrite materials and winding wires that we use.

Proprietary design tools

Resonant topologies

With regard to LLC and LCC resonant topologies, increasingly used for their universally recognized benefits, the functions of our tools are not limited to the design of the transformer itself, but extend to the design of the optimal tank, considering:
– all the customer’s requirements
– the constraints and interrelations between the elements that compose the tank
– the ZVS retention at every operating condition and tolerance of the components involved.

This assures the realization of top level converters avoiding the classic reiterations of samplings and tests which, by the way, do not reach the same degree of optimization.

We work alongside the electronic designer

To date our rate of approval of the first sampling defined by design is around 99%.

Moreover the electronic designer is relieved from onerous activities and time to market is considerably reduced.

Some comparisons

These statements are supported by the test reports listed on the pages of the improved demo boards and the demo boards equipped with our components.

Demo Board
See also