Participating to the Technical Committee 96‘s regulatory work concerning the standard EN61558 for transformers, as a CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee) effective member, enables us to provide our customers with qualified regulatory expertise, also with visibility on future regulatory developement.
Regulatory Compliance
Expertise in regulations and consideration for customer needs are the basis for the support that we provide, including the development of custom components.
- We provide our customers with a serious and qualified support throughout the design of every custom component, avoiding costly reiterations during the device’s certification process.
- We can provide a qualified support for defining safety requirements (creepage and clearance, DTI, dielectric strength) according to IEC61347, EN61558 and all the standards that refer to it.
- We specialize in designing and supplying custom products, achieving the best results by reducing development time and costs.
- In the absence of sufficient volumes that justify type tests, we can supply EN61558 compliant standard products.
- We use an IT system to effectively manage and store all the data necessary to meet the requirements, also during the product lifecycle.
- All standard mains transformers are tested to be compliant with the current European regulamentations and for CE marking.
- Type tests for CE conformity can also be executed on custom products, at the express request and against payment, though verifying conformity during device approval is typically more convenient.
- The other products are components by nature. They are therefore subcontracted, as a semi-finished product, with features that meet the customer’s requirements and conceived for being used in specific equipment. These products are often used in equipment subject to standards other than EN61558.
- We only use RoHS compliant raw material and raise awareness among suppliers on the importance of a careful management throughout the whole supply chain.
- All our products comply with 2011/65/EU (RoHS II) and 2015/863/EU (RoHS III) Directives, if not agreed otherwise with the customer according to his special requirements.
- In case of non-compliance to the RoHS Directives, it is clearly declared in the datasheets and in the continuously updated “Hazardous substances declaration” we send every six months.
- As a Downstream User of chemical substances and as a Manufacturer/Importer of articles, the EUROPEAN REGULATION N. 1907/2006 (REACH) provides for specific obligations.
- To meet such obligations we implemented computerized processes for guaranteeing the internal surveys, those throughout the supply chain and the transmission of information to the customers.
- Thanks to this system, those customers that need to be informed about a substance under the REACH regulation receive a semiannual “Hazardous substances declaration”, consistently updated, relating to the products purchased within the previous 12 months.
- The protection of the environment and human health is the main purpose of the Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 (POPs Regulation) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 6(h).
- We implemented computerized processes for guaranteeing the internal surveys, those throughout the supply chain and the transmission of information to the customers.
- The customers that need to be informed receive a semiannual updated “Hazardous substances declaration”.
- The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is building a database of articles and complex objects (products) containing Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), aimed at preventing the production of waste, reducing hazardous materials and products and supporting circular economy.
- We communicate to customers the possible registration of specific products in the SCIP database, through the semiannual submission of the “Hazardous substances declaration” regarding products purchased in the previous 12 months.
Itacoil supports “Conflict Minerals” dispositions according to 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall-Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
Itacoil obtained from the suppliers information on the origin of gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten used in their products, and keeps them up to date with a view to ensuring that the materials are “Conflict Free”, and undertakes to:
- Not knowingly get the specified metals coming from mines in the “Conflict Region”, not “Conflict Free” certified.
- Ensure compliance with these requirements and require the suppliers to properly assess their supply chains, in order to ensure that the specified metals come only from:
- Mines and foundries outside the “Conflict Region”
- Mines and foundries which have been “Conflict Free” certified by an independent third body, if localized outside the “Conflict Region”.